Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Ecological Intelligence

Ecological Intelligence is when you know where the stuff you are buying was made and how it was made and to understand that it was a waste to make on such a finite planet.

The essential questions were:
Why don’t people live more sustainably?
How can I convince them to do so?

This article;

is the related to the essential questions because having ecological intelligence would help you to live more sustainably, and you can help people understand the process of products and make them think twice when shopping. It may make them reduce there share of damage to the earth.

I think I have some level of understanding when it comes to ecological intelligence. when I go to any store I usually would think about how some of the products even get to the store shelf. let alone all the waste that was created to even make the products.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

erratic retaliation

1. Anthropomorphism: an interpretation of what is not human. I think that Ishmael is talking about how humans always think what animals do in the human sense not only because we are used to seeing the kind of behavior, but think that the human way is the correct way. Just like in the consecutive lines after the mention of this word, Ishmael talks about animals and territories. Animals have no want for territory, nor do they need it. We just think that animals are claiming land for themselves because that is what humans do. Really though, the animals are just taking land that has the resources to keep them living.

a.Erratic retaliation is kind of like saying if it's my land and my resoures, I attack, and you run away. If it's your land and your resourses run. In the case of the Cawks, this means that if one tribe starts to irk another tribe, the tribe being irked will try and bother the other tribe, so that they can be even.

b. Erratic Retaliation is a peacekeeping method because it makes the peaceful Cawk tribes protect themselves, instead of just being desroyied by other more aggressive Cawk tribes.

c. Cawks don’t destroy eachother because that would be useless. What I am saying, the Cawks don’t kill themselves because that would not help them advance. They could never benefit from such a ridiculous act

Friday, March 13, 2009

What struck me was that around 30 people participated in the survey. They actually cared to spend a few minutes to think about a topic and choose an answer. We got many good and useful answers.

When I saw that about 30-40% of the people surveyed would not be embarrassed to shop at thrift stores, I was surprised and encouraged. We should all think about how we can waste fewer resources by re-using things, and by shopping at thrift stores. I'm curious to go check out a thrift store myself now.

My expectations were that people would be more embarrassed to be seen shopping at a thrift store, and that so many of them are actually shopping at thrift stores. My expectations were met because so many people participated.

Base on the findings, I would like to run a campaign that motivates people to shop at thrift stores and reuse more things, particularly clothes. I want the ad campaign to make it look cool and smart to shop at a thrift store, without appearing to be too happy or too organic, poor, or out of style. I would like the ad to also educate people about living more sustainably, not being so wasteful and following the latest fashion, which eats away at the resources of our earth.

Friday, March 6, 2009

path to freedom blog

Their movie is cool because they use their urban property in Pasadena to grow organic fruits and vegetables in their own back yard. They also raise goats, chicken and ducks, which supplies eggs and milk. What struck me is that they make their own bio diesel fuel, and that nobody has to worry about a job, since they live off wht they grow on their land.

Their needs are mostly supplied by what they grow on their land, and by using solar panels and man-powered tools and appliances. They still have to buy clothes, but I can tell they have not bought clothes lately. They try to stay away as much as possible from the culture of the industrialized urban world around them.

Their wants are basically nothing, they are happy with what they have and what the land supplies for them. They only need their love for one another and care for each other, and they are free from the outside pressures of the industrialized world.

Their lifestyle relates to Ishmael because they live more sustainably just like Ishmael is explaining in the story. They live more like hunters and gatherers or the tribes that Ishmael described in his stories of explanation. They live as though the takers were never invented.

I think it is really cool that they live this way, but I would still play sports even if I lived the way they do. I think that they are living a new life style that will be followed by many in future years who want to live sustainably and live free from our destructive and chaotic world.

Learn more about the Dervaes family here: