Saturday, October 18, 2008

Pesidential Election

I don't not know who I think should win. I don't know who I would want to win. I just think that Obama and McCain are both great leaders and they are both worthy of being president. I just think that they picked a bad time to be president because of the recession, depression.

Many of the people that I know would like it a lot better if McCain would win. Most of them are afraid of Obama full name. Though few of them are just racist. The only things that I have a problem with is that Obama is OK with gay marriage and abortion. I'm not being racist.

You might think that I'm crazy for saying this but sometimes think that whoever wins could be the Anti-Christ. I think that Obama is something new because of his race and that's what some people want. they want something new, it brings more excitement. Here is a link that is about race in the election

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