Friday, March 13, 2009

What struck me was that around 30 people participated in the survey. They actually cared to spend a few minutes to think about a topic and choose an answer. We got many good and useful answers.

When I saw that about 30-40% of the people surveyed would not be embarrassed to shop at thrift stores, I was surprised and encouraged. We should all think about how we can waste fewer resources by re-using things, and by shopping at thrift stores. I'm curious to go check out a thrift store myself now.

My expectations were that people would be more embarrassed to be seen shopping at a thrift store, and that so many of them are actually shopping at thrift stores. My expectations were met because so many people participated.

Base on the findings, I would like to run a campaign that motivates people to shop at thrift stores and reuse more things, particularly clothes. I want the ad campaign to make it look cool and smart to shop at a thrift store, without appearing to be too happy or too organic, poor, or out of style. I would like the ad to also educate people about living more sustainably, not being so wasteful and following the latest fashion, which eats away at the resources of our earth.

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