Thursday, February 26, 2009


1)The first way to identify people of our culture is that we keep our food locked away. The hunters and gathers only took what they needed. The second way is that we, perceive our self as born flawed, and that no matter what we do, we cannot change this fact. As for agreeing with Ishmael, I must say that I do not. Not only are there little cultures spread throughout the world, there also people living in the life of older cultures, like the peoples of Africa and South America. In my opinion, if one can't adjust to a new environment within a short amount of time, then they are from a separate culture. If I were to become a hunter and gather, I would have to stop doing everything I do. Like having a refrigerator, or using electricity at all. No more movies or TV or anything like that.

2) I disagree with Ishmael. Probably because I have listened to Mother Culture for all of my life, so that voice is simply there, constantly battling my differences. I also believe that although humans aren't doomed to fail, we are born with sin. This flaw varies, unlike the flaw that Ishmael described. This flaw also changes from heart, perspective, personality, and intelligence.

3)Ishmael's takers and leavers explanation is relevant to how the American culture developed and was made. The idea of all day labor to receive lock and key food originates from 1 small society and/or culture a long time ago that forced it's way around. Today in America we work all day to buy a surplus of food while hunter gatherers work a small portion of the day to receive just the food they needed to survive.

Monday, February 23, 2009

1)To live sustainably is to live with a constant state of life or with a constant process of life. Like this picture above. they call these spheres Ecospheres because they have an almost perfect balance of life. *1Each completely sealed EcoSphere® contains a fully functional, self sustaining, living ecosystem. It is like having your very own miniature world at your fingertips. The EcoSpheres® portray a simplistic example of our Earth's life forms & our interdependence with water. These glass spheres can last or sustain life (for the shrimp) from 5-7 years. The oldest ones that still function are 10 years old (this is pretty rare). To live sustainably is to live in most likely in habit and a livable manor.

2) My freedom as a 14 (almost 15) year old boy is enough for me and my lifestyle right now. I can walk down any street I choose. I can stay home alone without any trouble or even getting into trouble. I don't have to be watched every second of the day. I'm responsible for myself. I could make good changes in our society in my point of view but there will be those who disagree with my changes. So what good would they even if the siltiest amount of people disagree.

3)well to live more sustainably I would need more habits that would help me more in life. for ex. getting ready fast, how to prepare better, how to present my self so I look good in the eyes of others [especially those who are higher than me (in anything like my jobs, boss, manager, supervisor, or my clients with big $$$)] but as of right now I need to get my work done faster, have more of a relationship with distent family, have more good friends (those who stick around when times are good or bad)